1. 廣角反射鏡用途說明 Wide Angle Mirrors Introduction平整不占空間的產品結構呈現最廣角

1. 廣角反射鏡用途說明 Wide Angle Mirrors Introduction
The product construction is flat and unoccupied space that presents the widest angle of reflection view.
2. 反射鏡規格 Specifications
尺寸: Dimension: 84mm × 48mm × 2mm, 165mm × 65mm × 2mm
眼睛水平觀看反射鏡 Watching the Convex Mirror Horizontally
視場角度: : 向上: 80度 UP: 80 Degree
Angle of View 往右: 80度 Right: 80 Degree
往左: 80度 Left: 80 Degree
向下: 80度 Down: 80 Degree
材質: 環保聚酯片材 Material: APET
3. 如何安裝 Installation
安裝時請先將欲貼附的表面範圍清潔乾淨, 將產品背膠離型紙撕除, 貼附於平面並施壓30秒, 以利完全附著。
Before installation, please clean up the surface area which you want to apply the product on, and then remove the adhesive release paper of the product, stick on the surface and press it for 30 seconds in order to be attached completely.
4. 應用範圍 Application Range
Use for elevator、ATM、Road and Car safety or any space that needs to have reflection view.

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